What my clients have to say about working with me*
J.T., UK
‘Maria is in a different league if you want to
heal from Narc abuse’
'Personally, I like Maria’s straight talking, No B.S. approach that always comes from a place of caring compassion and empathy. I've even paid hard-earned cash to receive her wisdom first hand. Do you know... it actually works and is the fast track required for rapid healing.
I had already done a lot of the heavy lifting of recovering from a lifetime of Narc abuse. It took Maria to be my guide to getting through the tough trauma remnants that were blocking my full recovery. I recognise Maria may not be an appropriate match for everybody. All I know is I've tried some of the top therapists in my country and Maria is in a different league if you want to heal from Narc abuse.
Do you want the No B.S. advice that works or do you want to consume loads of snowflake level sympathy that keeps you stuck in the cycle of victimhood and prey to Narcs? If it’s the latter, then talk to Maria.'
I.W., Germany
‘I could finally see the new direction of my journey and feel a new sense of self-worth and emotional autonomy.’
''It struck me like lightning when I found out I had been abused by a covert malignant narcissist. My body and soul were in complete turmoil. It was one of the worst times in my life, and it left me convinced that a fundamental change of my life was needed.
Working with Maria opened that door for me: I could finally see the new direction of my journey and feel a new sense of self-worth and emotional autonomy. Exactly what I needed!
There is a large number of “traditional” therapy offers, all of which, however, make healing appear a discouragingly distant objective. Maria offers methods that go directly to the heart of what has been keeping us in this vicious circle of abuse. No more pulling us around the ring by those old wounds, once we understand that we can heal by living in the spirit of of our own infinite Self-Worth.”
J.C., US
‘Her style of therapy is unique and effective’
I was a client of Maria's and the style of her therapy is unique and effective. She allowed me a space to be who I am. I was free to talk about my troubles with this disorder and release many traumas. She helped me have my voice back and quite frankly, my identity.
In that space I remembered I am a loving caring man that abhors violence, lying, cheating and stealing. She helped me to see clearly how I was preyed upon and used. She helped me to know how to let go of the trauma and begin to just be the man I always wanted to be. I think the world of her. I was a sufferer of extreme parental and spousal abuse. I can now say I am no more. I’d been abandoned by an abusive family, then married a man who eventually became so physically abusive, I had to escape. I also can now say I am a healed survivor. I would recommend you to anyone who is looking to heal deep trauma wounds. Thank you Maria for all those years of study. It helped me tremendously.
N.R., Canada
‘Not a stuffy clinician…’
'I loved working with Maria because she’s so down-to-earth and not a stuffy clinician like you might expect. She is kind and compassionate, but she doesn’t let you make excuses either and she’ll call you out if you’re trying to kid yourself (as I was!). When I decided to let go and trust her (and she made that really easy!), the changes that happened were surprising, to say the least. I was feeling so down, depressed and couldn’t stop obsessing about my ex, and I didn’t think it was possible to get him out of my head in one session (I’d been no contact for over 7 months, but still thought about him most of the day), but darned if that’s not exactly what happened and I still don’t quite get how, but I’m so happy it worked. I definitely recommend working with Maria if you want fast results!'
B.R., US
‘I found a phenomenal therapist from Europe!’
'Unlike most therapists who don't really do much to help their grieving clients, she is someone who specializes in narcissistic abuse and made a world of difference to me. When I came in feeling worthless and blaming myself for what has happened she helped assure me that the abuse I suffered was indeed typical narcissist abuse. She taught me how to spot red flags and the importance of setting boundaries. By doing so it has also helped me end toxic friendships that I used to cling to. I have also stopped a handful of potential toxic relationships from starting. I wish there were more honest therapists like her. That amazing therapist is Maria McMahon!’
N.H,. Germany
‘Such a great gift that I found her’!
'I was feeling completely stuck and blocked because of all the trauma-bonded pain trapped inside my soul and body, after 10 years in narcissist relationships. To work with Maria has simply been amazing and a real transformation for me, after such a long time of emotional suffering, trying another therapist that could not help me, feeling stuck and totally blocked for 1 1/2 years. She made the magic happen to help me to find myself again.
I’d totally lost the self-assured powerful woman I had been before the horror began, but now with Maria’s insight and skills, I’m happy again. I’m happy with the integrated new parts of myself, knowing so much about narcissism and now, being able to protect myself against toxic people. Such a great gift that I found her. Thank you so much for everything, Maria'
P.S., Sweden
I'm more stable and more happy than in a long time.
‘I just wanted to say that even if I was sceptical at first with healing light, inner child therapy, and such things, it f***ing works to do something so basic, to force myself to think differently and shift feelings from abandonment and a victimhood to forgiveness and hopefulness. I'm more stable and more happy than in a long time. I will save the last session for something good or well needed. Just wanted to say thank you!'
‘I can now face each day with courage and calmness’
'My journey to understanding NPD was sparked by a malignant NPD I was managing at work. The stress of this experience led me to being diagnosed with PTSD. From shaking uncontrollably to insomnia and experiencing paralyzing anxiety attacks only to end up in the emergency room countless times, Maria has turned my life around and I can now face each day with courage and calmness – and a strong belief that I will no longer allow NPDs into my life. I would never have been able to come this far without Maria and her incredible patience, tremendous insights and genuine belief that she can help people conquer their fears to find their infinite self-worth.'
W.G., Australia
‘My life did an immediate 180 degree turn for the better’
'A couple of chats with Maria McMahon gave me hope. I signed up for a session and my life did an immediate 180 degree turn for the better. The pain, guilt, self-doubt and misery disappeared almost instantly. Joy in life replaced the dread of another day of agony approaching. I'm just overjoyed at finding and seeking Maria's help. I'm truly astounded how fast it helped me. I enjoy each day now, I have fun!’ My mother and sister were both blown-away by the change in me and even asked me if I was on somethiong LOL!'
* Testimonials are all genuine but images are models. Images courtesy of Pixabay and stocksnap..io
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